Crystal Clear: Stories of Hope is now in Spanish. Historias de Esperanza

“Crystal Clear: Stories of Hope” & “Crystal Clear: Historias de Esperanza” are collections of personal stories of recovery from the members of the Twelve-Step fellowship Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA). This book is available in English as “Crystal Clear: Stories of Hope” and in Spanish as “Crystal Clear – Historias de Esperanza”.  Members of CMA describe their personal journeys getting clean and sober;  their process of working the Twelve Steps; and offer their experience, strength and hope for those struggling with addiction to crystal meth.

Crystal Clear: Stories of Hope (English Edition)

Crystal Clear: Historias de esperanza (Spanish Edition)

Now available in paperback and Kindle Edition through the on-line retailer.

Voices of the Fellowship: Our Recovery

Crystal Meth Anonymous is pleased to offer a new collection of stories by a broad and diverse group of our fellows. Together they offer a powerful message that crystal meth addicts do recover and find a new way to live. In this book and online, just as in our meetings, we share our experience of finding recovery in our Twelve Step Fellowship and applying it in our lives. Available in both paperback and Kindle.

Available at Amazon

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